
Description: zombie is not a correct word to describe them. It’s right to call them Soulless. These are the people, whose souls were withdrawn in Alex Hacksley’s laboratory. Now they are walking lambs of flash, which do not live, they exist. They are driven by their killer instincts and hunger.
They look like dirty and bleeding resemblance of a human being, which has already started to dissolute. A gaze of there black eyes without and sign of intellect also doesn’t attract.

Description: ordinary patrolman accustomed to calm quiet life and eating doughnuts. His most horrible experience is a shoplifter or a teenager obsessed by suicidal thoughts. He’s not excessively zealous, and because of it he’ll try to dodge a firefight. But if he comes into it, he’ll try to prove, that he doesn’t get wages for nothing.

Task Force Men
Description: with excellent knowledge of tactics and usage of weaponry they are very serious opponents. There usual tasks are elimination of terrorists, assassinations and only God knows how many other lawful and criminal matters of great concern.
If they appear somewhere, it means that it’s time to run from there as fast as you can. They will continue to execute there mission till they’re dead paying no regard to death toll.

Gangster worker
Description: never heard of trade unions, they are modern slaves. They are working for the Gang, weighting heroin every day from dawn till dusk. There is no pleasure in such a work, especially when behind you stands armed bandit.

Description: a lowest step in a gang hierarchy, they are not smart enough, but they are strong and ready to fight for thier boss. They like to booze, smoke hemp and beat people to death. In two words – gangsta freaks.


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